"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him. " James 1: 12
Yesterday I watched a man on T.V. who asked a jury to have mercy on the man who killed his sister. With tears in his eyes, he asked them to give the hate-filled racist life instead of the death penalty. I wanted to cry myself. He was following the Way of Christ. It is easy to follow the way when the road is smooth. It's easy when living in a country that has freedom of religion and everything is going fine. It's a snap when there are no hard choices or hard feelings. But can I follow the way, the narrow way when the road is rough and calls

for me to go against my own human feelings? I have failed in the past. I can find it hard to forgive someone who snubs or insults me. This man put me to shame. My Christianity means nothing if I can't follow it when the 'rubber hits the road.' When my belief is tested, can I follow Christ down the road of Calvary. Today I need to ask for the grace of perseverance. In good times, and hard times, may I walk the road to the cross! For to follow Christ is to carry the cross, willing to suffer for the truth. I am weak Lord. Lead me on the road to Calvary until the resurrection. Without your grace, I cannot pass the test!