Lent is upon us!
It is hard to believe but Lent starts this Wednesday as our ashes are applied. As a child, I always attempted to give up a food I liked...

Fill your Easter Baskets with Sweet Sisters and Munchie Mysteries!
Why let your children or grandchildren get cavities? Fill their Easter Baskets with Faith, Fun, and Reading! Meet the Sisters of the Last...

New Book Arrived!
The new books arrived. Book #6 of the series, The Case of the Easter Egg Escapades, came in a brown box on my front porch. It never gets...

Monday Musings - Let's create our characters
I have decided to spend the next few weeks sharing my thoughts on character creation. Writers tend to concentrate on plot, language, and...

June 2019 Newsletter
Karen Kelly Boyce, Author & Speaker June 2019 Newsletter For Parents: Reading and Summertime How did I become a writer? I have often...

Getting ready for edits.
As you know from my last blog, I am working on a new novel that is in a completely new genre. It's a murder mystery! However, as a writer...

Entering a new genre!
I have a novel with six chapters finished that has been sitting on my computer for a few years. It's a murder mystery. Those who know me,...

Techno Challenged
A Writer's process

Picking up the Pen
For many years, I worked as an R.N. I worked with premature babies, on hospital floors and in nursing homes. I used my talents. My...

Getting back to writing
Christmas is over. The gifts are given. The decorations don't have to come down until my husband's birthday on January 6th (our...